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Oily Skin 101: Understanding and Caring for Your Oily Skin

Oily Skin 101: Understanding and Caring for Your Oily Skin

Oily skin can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormones, stress, and even humidity. And, according to the Dermal Institute, about 40 - 55% of the population has oily and acne-prone skin. So if your skin is oily, it may make you feel better to know you’re not alone.

While oily skin has its downsides (like clogged pores, acne, and persistent shine), it also has its benefits. As time marches on, you’ll probably appreciate the fact that it’s not marching across your face - in the form of wrinkles. Eventually, you’ll come to appreciate your oily skin, but while you wait, balance is the key to dealing with it. A good skincare routine for oily skin includes gentle daily cleansing, plenty of hydration, and regular exfoliation.

Use a Gentle Cleanser Both Morning and Night

If your skin is oily, you’ll want to wash it both morning and night to clear away any surface oil. Ideally, you should opt for oil-free cleansers so you don’t compound the problem. And while you may think that harsh soaps are good for oily skin, that’s not the case. Harsh soaps tend to strip your skin of necessary oils, so opt for a gentle cleanser instead.

Use a Toner

While toners are an important step in your battle against oily skin, steer clear of harsh toners with drying agents (like alcohol). They might sound like a good idea, but in the end, they can do more harm than good and irritate your skin.

Use a Moisturizer Every Day

While it may seem counterintuitive, remember that oily skin still needs hydration in the form of a good moisturizer. It may be tempting to skip this step, but that’s a mistake. Without a moisturizer, your skin will overcompensate for the lack of hydration and ramp up the oil production, which you clearly don’t want. For that reason, using a moisturizer every day is one of the most important steps for oily skincare.

Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliation is another crucial step you won’t want to skip when caring for your oily skin. Oily skin tends to have a build-up of a thick layer of dead skin cells on the surface. Gentle exfoliation is the only way to keep that in check and clean clogged pores. Look for exfoliants with salicylic acid, as those can remove dead skin cells from the surface and get deep into your pores to clear them out efficiently.

Opt for Oil-Free Makeup

To keep your makeup as fresh as possible, choose an oil-free, water-based foundation and use a primer to prevent sliding. Moreover, when you’re shopping for foundation, steer clear of shimmery makeup (as those tend to make you look even more oily), and opt for a long-wearing formula as well. Throughout the day, use blotting paper freely to soak up any excess oil.

It’s no secret that when it comes to oily skin, there is no one and done approach, nor is there a “cure”. If you have oily skin, it’s likely a love-hate relationship that takes years to play out. In the meantime, the name of the game is finding a good balance and maintaining a healthy skincare routine. Be sure to cleanse your face regularly, use an alcohol-free toner, and don’t skip the moisturizer, no matter how tempting it may be.

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